Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim

Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle LimVanessa Yu's Magical Paris Tea Shop by Roselle Lim
Published by Berkley on August 4, 2020
Genres: Romance
Pages: 301
Format: Paperback

“There isn’t anything wrong with knowing that something will expire. It focuses you: treasure the time you have together.”

About Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop

I loved Roselle Lim’s debut novel, Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune, with its blend of delicious descriptions of food entwined with the main character’s affection for her community.

Her second book, Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop also speaks to those themes.

Vanessa sees other people’s futures in their tea and other beverages. When she sees a future, she’s compelled to speak it. But her entire life she’s fought against using it because of some disastrous occurrences in the past. She knows in her heart that she’ll never find love because of her gift.

When her Aunt Evelyn asks Vanessa to join her in Paris to assist with opening a new tea shop, Vanessa accepts. Aunt Evelyn also has a gift that allows her to see the future. She’s hoping she can help Vanessa accept her gift and use it.

When Vanessa meets Marc, her heart melts despite knowing that she’ll never find love.

My thoughts about Vanessa Yu’s Magical Tea Shop

The one dislike I had for the book was that I grew impatient with Vanessa’s refusal to explore her gift at first but I’m sure that giving people bad news is horrifying, especially if you can’t control it.

Vanessa Yu’s Magical Paris Tea Shop is a charming, contemporary romance. Roselle Lim writes lush descriptions of delicious tea, elegant clothing and art, and glorious-sounding pastries. She captures a sense of delight and beauty that are Paris.

Which makes this book the perfect sensual indulgence. Like a delicate cup of Aunt Evelyn’s tea accompanied by a madeleine.

If you’re a fan of magical realism in the vein of Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel or Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman, you’ll enjoy the frothy loveliness of Vanessa Yu’s Magical Tea Shop.

Your thoughts

Do you have a favorite setting for romances? Paris seems like an obvious choice but such a beautiful one.

Other books

natalie tan's book of luck and fortune
Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune by Roselle Lim

Enjoy Roselle Lim’s debut novel, Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck & Fortune. Which also combines magical realism, romance, and amazing descriptions of food.

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The Marriage Game by Sara Desai

For another diverse romance featuring gorgeous descriptions of food, try Sara Desai’s The Marriage Game, which I reviewed earlier this year.

In conclusion

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Thanks to NetGalley and Berkley for the DRC.

About Roselle Lim

Roselle Lim was born in the Philippines and immigrated to Canada as a child. She lived in north Scarborough in a diverse, Asian neighbourhood.

She found her love of writing by listening to her lola (paternal grandmother’s) stories about Filipino folktales. Growing up in a household where Chinese superstition mingled with Filipino Catholicism, she devoured books about mythology, which shaped the fantasies in her novels.

An artist by nature, she considers writing as “painting with words.”

She is represented by Jenny Bent of The Bent Agency.

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