The Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon

The Boyfriend Project by Farrah RochonThe Boyfriend Project by Farrah Rochon
Series: The Boyfriend Project #1
Published by Forever on June 9, 2020
Genres: Romance
Pages: 368
Format: Paperback
Also by this author: The Dating Playbook, The Hookup Plan
Also in this series: The Dating Playbook, The Hookup Plan

In The Boyfriend Project, Thanks to social media, three women discover they’ve been dating the same lowlife guy. While one woman is livetweeting her terrible date with him, the other two go to confront him and his cheating ways. Strangers capture the shero moment and the video goes viral. And the women trade the cheating guy for a new friendship.

The three agree to swear off men for at least six months. They decide to focus on themselves, their careers and their budding friendship.

That’s right when Samiah, a super-smart tech whiz, notices how gorgeous Daniel, her new coworker, is. She’s drawn to him but what about the pact? Even if she breaks the pact, does she have time for a new relationship, her intense career and the new app she’s creating as a side project? Daniel seems too good to be true – is he?

My thoughts about The Boyfriend Project

I appreciated that Rochon didn’t focus solely on the romance. Watching three strong and smart women support and encourage each other was fantastic and I’m here for it! So glad that her friends, Taylor and London will have their own books in the future.

This is the first book by Farrah Rochon that I’ve read but it certainly won’t be the last! It was fast-paced, sparkling and hot – the perfect combination.

Other books

The Right Swipe by Farrah Rochon
get a life chloe brown
Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert

If you’re looking for a contemporary romance, with strong women, humor and diverse characters, try The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai. Read my review of Girl Gone Viral, the second book in the series.

Or give Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert a go.

Share your thoughts

Have you read The Boyfriend Project or any of Farrah Rochon’s other books? Tell me what you thought in the comments below.

Thanks to NetGalley and Forever Publishers for the DRC.

About Farrah Rochon

A native of south Louisiana, Farrah Rochon officially began her writing career while waiting in between classes in the student lounge at Xavier University of Louisiana. After earning her Bachelors of Science degree and a Masters of Arts from Southeastern Louisiana University, Farrah decided to pursue her lifelong dream of becoming a published novelist. She was named Shades of Romance Magazine’s Best New Author of 2007. Her debut novel, Deliver Me, the first in her Holmes Brothers series, garnered rave reviews, earning Farrah several SORMAG Readers’ Choice Awards.

In September 2010, Farrah joined the Kimani Romance family with the launch of her new series that follows the life of the fictional New York Sabers football team.

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