Grave Secrets by Alic James

Grave Secrets by Alic JamesGrave Secrets by Alice James
Series: The Lavington Windsor Mysteries #1
Published by Solaris on September 1, 2020
Genres: Urban fantasy
Pages: 300
Format: Paperback

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Grave Secrets by Alice James is very much in the style of madcap British romcoms like Bridget Jones’ Diary blended with some urban fantasy goodness. Toni Windsor is a bit of a hot mess. Living in her family home in the countryside, trying to make it as a real estate agent. And, oh, by the way, raising zombies at night to help out her cop brother with his murder investigations.

Necromancers are supposed to be extinct but Toni’s been raising the dead since she was a child. Now she’s dating one vampire, under the protection of another and about to get caught up in a vampire war.

Vampires have come out of dark. The US is violently anti-vamp so Europe is seeing an influx of vamps as they flee to Europe with its more accepting laws. But now there are turf wars as the fleeing vamps encroach on territories established for centuries.

Being a real estate agent for vampires can be tricky business when the other faction keeps kidnapping you. 

In between kidnappings and raising her new zombie friend, Toni falls in love with a gorgeous vampire. Even better, Oscar likes her back. What’s not so great is that he keeps trying to drink her blood. Ugh.Good thing Toni has plenty of experience fending off unwanted advances thanks to croquet and work parties attended by a McGropey Wandering Hands.

My thoughts

Utterly charming with quippy banter, Toni was a delight to read about. I’m excited to see what happens next in the series.

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Your thoughts

Have you read Grave Secrets? What do you think? There are so many series that feature vampires now. Do you have a favorite? Tell me in the comments below.

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About the author

Alice James likes cats and ramen noodles and lives in a converted chapel in Oxfordshire because when people tell you that you will grow out of being a Goth, what they actually mean is that they’d like their black leather coat back now.

About Alice James

Alice lives in a converted chapel in Oxfordshire, England, with three cats and many house plants. She works as a writer, specialising in finance and travel. She was previously a journalist and TV presenter for Bloomberg before becoming press and PR director of a $1 billion US hedge fund for 18 months. That turned out to be the worst period in history for hedge funds, so she retired wounded. Alice has a degree in Maths from Bristol University – and half of a diploma in silversmithing from UCE University because it turns out that making the ladies’ version of the One Ring is a lot harder than she thought

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