Emerald Blaze

Emerald BlazeEmerald Blaze by Ilona Andrews
Series: Hidden Legacy #5
Published by Avon on August 25, 2020
Genres: Urban fantasy
Pages: 391
Format: ARC

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

About Emerald Blaze

Emerald Blaze is the fifth book in the Hidden Legacies series. It focuses on the middle sister of the Baylor family, Catalina. As Head of Houe Baylor and the Deputy Warden of Texas, she’s constantly battling attacks from both the magical and normal realms against the people she cares about.

Alessandro, the Italian playboy assassin who broke her heart, is back in town. They’re being forced to work together – can her heart take being shattered again? Can she discover what killed one of the city’s magical elite? Can she stop it before it kills again?

My thoughts about Emerald Blaze

Ilona Andrews books are always an automatic yes for me so I was excited to receive an ARC of Emerald Blaze.

Like all of the writing duo’s books, Emerald Blaze has strong main characters with crazy-hot chemistry. The non-stop action and a mysterious killer to catch make for a fast-paced read. I did NOT want to put this book down until I finished it! Hello, no sleep due to reading.

Ilona Andrews always writes characters that I care about – I get totally invested in their fictional lives which is part of why the books are auto-buys for me. I want to know what happens next but I also want to know that they’re okay. I know that the author’s going to put them through Hell, sometimes multiple times but I know that at the end, there’s a HEA that’s going to happen.

I’m enjoying watching the behind the scenes manipulations going on in the series. It’s a nice touch without being too villain-twirling-his-moustache evil.

Your thoughts

Who are your auto-buy authors? Tell me in the comments below.

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Read the first book in the Hidden Legacy series, Burn for Me about Catalina’s older sister. Nevada. Same fast pace and sizzle!

If you enjoy urban fantasy with strong leads, try the Mercy Thompson books. Moon Called is the first book. Read my review of Smoke Bitten, the latest in the series.

Another series with strong leads is the InCryptid series by Seanan McGuire. Discount Armageddon is the first book in the series. Read my review of Imaginary Numbers.

Thank you NetGalley and Avon for the ARC.

About Ilona Andrews

“Ilona Andrews” is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Texas with their two children and many dogs and cats.

They have co-authored several bestselling series, including the #1 NYT bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels, rustic fantasy of the Edge, paranormal romance of Hidden Legacy, and Innkeeper Chronicles, which they post as a free weekly serial. For complete list of their books, fun extras, and Innkeeper installments, please visit their website at Ilona-andrews.com.

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