“Four Weddings and a Puppy” by Lizzie Shane is a standalone novel set in Pine Hollow, VT. The book intertwines the themes of childhood crush, opposites attract, friendship, and comfort. The heroine, Kendall, attempts to save her family’s ski resort by organizing wedding receptions, while concurrently managing feelings for her childhood crush Brody, an Olympic skier. The book is praised for its chemistry, supportive friend group, humor, and heartwarming moments.
Tag: <span>sunshine and grump</span>
Published November 21, 2023
Published October 2, 2023
Snowed in for Christmas by Jaqueline Snowe is a sweet and sexy holiday romance between an adorable sunshine and grump couple.
Published August 8, 2023
Codename Charming by Lucy Parker is a quirky, giggle-inducing humor balanced by sweet hurt/comfort moments romance.
Published October 26, 2021
ALL THE FEELS by Olivia Dade is about love and acceptance. For yourself and for those you love. And being able to value yourself.