The Dating Plan

The Dating PlanThe Dating Plan by Sara Desai
Published by Berkley on March 16, 2021
Genres: Romance
Pages: 352
Format: Paperback
Also by this author: The Marriage Game

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

About the Dating Plan

The Dating Plan stars the smart and quirky Daisy from The Marriage Game.

Daisy enjoys the world of writing code – dodging the endless parade of men her aunties want her to meet and possibly marry. Daisy’s heart was broken when her older brother’s high school bestie stood her up at her senior prom. Liam disappeared and Daisy hasn’t been the same.

Daisy’s having one of those days. She’s with her ill-prepared boss at a conference, looking for investors when he asks her to get supplies for their demo. “Supplies” equals every maxi pad in the restroom’s vending machine. Bonus? She can hear her former boss and recent ex-boyfriend having sex in a stall. So it’s a trifecta when she trips as she’s leaving the restroom, pads flying everywhere. Only to end up in long lost Liam’s arms.

The still gorgeously hot Liam who broke her heart. Behind Liam? Because this is a trifecta plus, is one of her aunties with a prospective husband for her.

So Daisy does what anyone would do – pretends Liam is her fiance and kisses him. The sparks fly but her heart’s still hurting.

Liam has reasons of his own to want a fauxmance. To inherit his family’s distillery and save it from demolition, he has to get married in two months.

My thoughts about The Dating Plan

I loved the antics of both families – Liam’s eccentric Irish relatives and Daisy’s Desi extended family with their loving but interfering ways. The descriptions of the food and clothing were fun (except the one auntie’s dreadful “fusion” dishes).

This is a steamy faux-to-real romcom. Yay for seeing a successful woman in a STEM job. Even better that she’s a WOC. The banter between Liam and Daisy was sparkling at times and very raw and real other times. The writing is fast-paced. There are some angsty parts but it’s well balanced with all of the fun bits.

CW: Domestic violence comes up multiple times.

Your thoughts

I love when authors take a fun or quirky character from a previous book and give them their own book. When you’re reading a series do you like it when the books are episodic, focusing on a particular event or when each book focuses on a different character? Tell me what you think in the comments below.

Other books

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The Marriage Game by Sara Desai
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Accidentally Engaged by Farah Heron
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Read the first book in the series, The Marriage Game for more witty banter in this enemies-to-lovers romance starring more of the aunties’ antics. Read my full review.

Looking for more fauxmance to real romance? Try Farah Heron’s Accidentally Engaged. Lots of luscious food descriptions and family antics.

Enjoy the witty banter and flying sparks in Helena Hunting’s Kiss my Cupcake. Read my full review.

In conclusion

Such a fun book! Witty banter, family antics and awkward situations with plenty of steam.

Thank you NetGalley and Berkley for the ARC.

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About Sara Desai

Sara Desai has been a lawyer, radio DJ, marathon runner, historian, bouncer and librarian. She lives on Vancouver Island with her husband, kids and an assortment of forest creatures who think they are pets. Sara writes sexy romantic comedy and contemporary romance with a multicultural twist. When not laughing at her own jokes, Sara can be found eating nachos.

Representation: Literary rights: Laura Bradford of Bradford Literary Agency. Foreign rights: Taryn Fagerness of Taryn Fagerness Agency. Film and television rights: Lucy Stille of Lucy Stille Literary.

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